Me with Animal Towering by Albert Mobilio

Binding: Paperback
Pages: 111
ISBN: 0-9712485-1-6

“Intelligence is the first gift here – active, troublemaking, rapture-prone, intelligence. The intelligence that animates Mobilio’s celebrated essays and reviews is brightly present in these poems, glittering with quick dance steps, delirious with almost unkept promises. Every page is full of surprises, and I can’t think of a poet who so consistently astonishes me with deft moves. There are prose poems here too: ‘And the talk slid south’ is a marvel, an incarnation of fiction as mishearing. I find myself reading as if I were a third person in his conversation. And that turns out to be a true description of what happens in Mobilio’s work — we find ourselves in reading.” - Robert Kelly

About the Author

Albert Mobilio is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award. His work has appeared in Harper’s, the Village Voice, Grand Street, Black Clock, Bomb, Cabinet, Talisman, and Tin House. Books of poetry include Bendable Siege, The Geographics, and Me With Animal Towering. He is an assistant professor of literary studies at the New School’s Eugene Lang College and is an editor of Bookforum.


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